
Saturday, February 2, 2019

Living In Space :: essays research papers fc

Living In SpaceEnergy Space is alter with radiant zippo andbeyond earths atmosphere this energy flow more(prenominal)steadily and more intensely from the sun than thatwhich penetrates to the surface of the Earth. So an massive and essential source of energy thatwould be used in set for the space colonywould be solar radiation by exploitation satellitesolar power stations. To live in space, humans essential be protected from the fierce intensity andpenetrating wavelengths of unattenuated sunlight,but this uniform energy is one of the primaryresources of space. The colony leave behind invite to haveenough energy to maintain a fairly uniformtemperature evening though it is apace. The sunshines twenty-four hours a day and is not dipby an atmosphere. Shaded materials not opento direct sunlight will most be at absolute zero.While the temperature in closed bodies exposedto the sun arse soar above the boiling point. Thecolony will need to have both heaters and airconditioners. On the other hand, this suns energycan be converted into electrical energy in the colonies. Itwill be converted with ten percent efficiency toelectrical power which is exchange at a rate of .012kw/hr, a square km of space would returnmore than $14,000,000 each year. Convertingsolar power to electrical energy in space, we would buildsatellite solar power stations that would intercedethe sunlight and convert it into electricity. Thesatellite solar power stations would badgerenough sunlight to replace five nuclear reactors or char plants. The stations could be as big as ninemiles capacious and four miles wide and it would onlyweigh twenty thousand tons. It would be built withhollow triangular girders do of aluminum that isvery card-playing and easy to build . Solar power satellitesare a taint free way to generate electricity andcost no more than coal or nuclear energy. Therehas been twomajor designed stations made so far.One is designed by Peter Glaser of Author D. slender Inc ., which would use very large arrays ofphoto voltaic cells to make the renascence directlyinto energy. The other major design is by GordonWoodcock of Boeing Aircraft Corporation,proposed having conventional turbogenerators run on a Brayton cycle with helium as theworking fluid. The secernate product in the solar powerstations is solar cells, which does the materialconverting of energy into electricity. A usefulmaterial is found in lunar soil is silicon which isused to make solar cells. So we can produce alarge amount of these cells and then we can neutralizeany problems of shipping the material from earth.Cells convert sunlight directly into electricity andthis could be used to supply the electricity for the

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