
Sunday, February 24, 2019

Evolution of Nursing Curriculum Essay

Institute of Protestant Deaconesses Florence nightingale chequered to be a nurse. Two years later she was appointed resident physician lady superintendent of a hospital for invalid women in Harley Street, London. * 1860 By the help of wealthy friends, Nightingale used the money to fund the Nightingale School and Home for Nurses at St. Thomas Hospital. * Ursuline Sisters of Quebec first attempt to train nurses in America who taught the Indian women to care for their sick. * Dr. Valentine Seaman introduced the first systematic school for nurses. * The reproductional endeavour of Florence Nightingale and the Civil War had think attention in the necessity for the nurses and importance of an educational system. * 1869 breast feeding education was placed under the control of medical profession. They proposed a school for learn nurses in every large hospital.* In both England and America, the need for happy nurses was so great that schools of nursing relatively grew. * Adelaide N utting had been a catalytic performer in the separation of schools of nursing from hospital control. * Dr. Washburn and Burlingham advocated raising the whole tired of nursing profession in the requirements of admission and stressed the cultural values. * 1894 Nursing leaders stressed the importance of planning the entire educational course of mull over for the student rather than for the convenience of hospital services. * 1895 get by Mary Agnes Snively of Toronto presented a paper that emphasized the need for uniformity of education for nursing done a uniform matriculation examination for admission, a uniform continuance of political platform nursing through a uniform length of program of nursing education.* Miss Nutting presented an electrifying report at the 1896 convention which revealed that acetify hours per day could total 15hrs with 105hrs weekly one lecture per week is given. * Miss Lucy Walker, who was a Superintendent of Nurses, gave a progress report on the credenza of lengthening the program with shortening of the workday. * The first preliminary courses varied from a few classes to a planned program of six months. It included biologic and social sciences and practical work in a mannequin called Mrs. Chase. * 1908 The plank had outlined specific requirements for schools of nursing. They were required to prove two years of study in medical nursing, surgical nursing (including gynecology), obstetrical nursing, pediatrics, nutrition and cookery, drugs and solution, dietetics, counsel in contagious nursing, ethics, emergencies, mental nursing, personal hygiene, and provide clinical own in a hospital setting.* Schools that wished to continue this practice were required to deal their course of training to three years. Training schools had to be connected to a hospital or Sanitarium having no fewer than 25 beds, with the account of beds two to four times greater than the number of students. * 1909 Plan for a university school of nu rsing was presented. * A change in title from school-age child nurse to student of nursing. * Central Schools had been successful in Europe students genuine class instruction at one place at a university * 1915 Only 10 schools had fulltime instructors. Superintendent of nurses did the most teaching and doctors taught anatomy. * 1923 Yale University of Nursing and westbound Reserve University of Nursing were established. * Public health was incorporated into the curriculum.* The degree of live of Science in Nursing was given to graduates from 1926 1936, the degree of Masters in Nursing was awarded until it closed in 1958. * 1925 A committee sponsored by American Nurses Association undertook a five-year study of nursing and nurse training. * 1949 The state display board pool for nurses provided examination for practical nurses. * The first examination for Registered Nurses was given in 1904, with a battery of test questions designed to be a voiceless test of practical and theoretical knowledge.* The plank minutes that the test intricate the care of febrile cases, of patients before and after operation, of the mother and new-born baby in normal and abnormal obstetrical cases, of treatment of emergencies, and knowledge of drugs with regard to toxicological symptoms, and treatment after poisonous doses. Male nurses will be examined on genitor-urinary work as a substitute for obstetrical cases. * Today, the State instrument panel for Nursing has 23 members, consisting of 17 RNs, two LPNs, and four public members. The Board functions as an advisory group to the Board of Regents. Its stated mission is to harbor the public by fostering high standards of professional licensure, practice and discipline.

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