
Sunday, February 17, 2019

Essay --

Personal Behavior ChangeFor this paper I unflinching to take a second and evaluate my life and think active what were some of my stream lifestyle habits and expressions and which out of these habits would I like to change. aft(prenominal) sitting down and evaluating all of my main habits I categorized them into groups of which cardinals were serving to crown me to a long full-blooded lifestyle and which ones were likely to lead me to an unhealthy life and lifestyle. After narrowing these unhealthy habits down to my prime three I decided to focus this paper and my attention on my current regimen and most of all on my negative consume habits. After evaluating my lifestyle and all of my unhealthy habits I felt that my current nutrition level and eating patterns were in need of the most value and change. One of the savvys why I felt my nutrition needed to changes is beca usage nutrition is a vast part of a healthy lifestyle, the way that we eat and what foods we consume st op have a huge impact on our everyday lives. Nutrition plays a huge type in multiple facets of a persons life energy, health, skin, weight, confidence, and to a greater extent making having a good control on your eating habits exceedingly important. How we eat over the years and what foods we routinely choose to eat rotter eventually have a lasting effect on use and what we take aim to be most appealing and appetizing at all given moment. Having these craving and routine habits makes eating, diet, and nutrition both a behavior and a lifestyle choice that can be changed over period with help from the theories learned in this class. I felt that with the behavior that I was trying to change the Transtheoretical Model (TTM) would be most effective for me. The reason I decided to choose this model was because... ... currently in. By reassesses your make headway and where you are currently you allow yourself to keep from relapsing and falling from one stage back down to another. I n this particular article they reassessed their participants payload and current stage every six and twelve months (Geoffrey 2012 p.256) I pure tone for me moving forward reassessing my current commitment every three months would be most effective. Reason for this is at the 60 days is when you need to write down making a move from preparation into the action stage, also afterward 6 months of being in the action stage you can consider yourself within the maintenance stage. By evaluating every three months I can have a solid idea of when I have go forth my preparation stage and finally entered action and after two assessments in the action stage I can start to consider myself steadfastly within the maintenance stage of change.

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