
Friday, February 15, 2019

Ads :: essays research papers

git a lot. Drink more of what you give way been drinking and try many new stuff. Eat real crappy food. Now go and example for ten minutes and soon you leave alone be giving Arnold Swartzenegger a run for his money. Life is good when you are a guy in this day and age, especially when it comes to advertising. Recently I picked up an edition of the up-to-the-minute pickup, Maxim and after reading, starring, and goggling I feel like I have just left a bachelor party. Ad campaigns that are direct toward the potent species believe it or not are constructed very naive sexual urge, booze, money, and did I mention sex? These are the very basic infrastructures of the male psyche. It is hard to believe that after a million years of evolution, placing a man on the moon, and constructing mile high buildings the basic ingredients to a favored advertisement to entice men to buy can be decrease down to sex or how to get it. The January edition of MAXIM magazine (Maxim, 1999) that featu red the model/actress Shannon Elizabeth in a very skimpy carrousel is very usual of what men want to see. The cover stories included, "Her reclusive sex fantasy" and "100 women break up you what really turns them on" Right. I hatred to be a skeptic but why would women want to tell me what turn them on especially after they have kept it a secret up until this point, at least thats what my dad says. On the other(a) hand this could be the new Bible for men. The article of course is an advertisement for a book that I can easily purchase for a measly $9.97 plus shipping and handling. The ad instructs me that this is the latest book from Maxims secret vault and it is so hot that it should be illegal Illegal? It is besides packed with scorching photos that are too hot for them to show As I read on I am instructed that I will not believe it till I see it And I mustiness act now to receive a complimentary poster for the source 100 orders. I thought to myself that per haps they should have offered a save cold shower because that what I needed after I goggled at the ad for a minute or two. This of course is a typical ploy of marketers according to Jeffery Shrank in "Why you buy-how ads persuade"(Shrank, 1994) in which an instance is made depicting a technique to persuade using buzzwords.

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